Personal Strengths & Weaknesses

One of the main objectives of knowing our strengths and weaknesses is to be able to know ourselves more deeply and improve in what is most optimal for us.

Another objective is to be able to know very well What are the strengths that make me look like an optimal candidate for a job that I am applying? So, knowing this, it will be easier to answer in a job interview "What are your strengths and weaknesses?" Because it is important to know that my strengths can be applied every day and used to my advantage to carry out some kind of social or interpersonal negotiation.
Taking into account all the above it is necessary to define what strength is one of the skills to be aware of who I really am, since we are constantly changing so we can change our strengths as weaknesses. The strength to be a positive when using them in our favor consciously or unconsciously we feel with more energy.
Personal weakness is a character or particularity that has always been defined as one in our life. However, all is not lost because these weaknesses are areas that have not been tried to improve could, that are not as significant or we do not care about working to improve. But it is important to know that a weakness can also be considered something harmless or not so harmful to us and can affect our social life and at work.
So, to be able to know our strengths and weaknesses it can be done in several ways, but the two options at my consideration are the most viable. The first is to create a list in which all our characteristics, qualities and personal skills (good and bad) are noted; then we can show it to a trusted person who knows us and helps us identify others that we are not aware of and eliminate those that are not realistic in our profile; and it ends by separating everything by strengths and weaknesses.
The other option and the best in my opinion because you can get more answers and is to go to the Indeed page and take the Take Find My Fit test and answering all the questions will result in what specifically our interests, skills and our work style and much more  (Indeed Editorial Team,  2020).
Having this answer ready will help us stand out more than other candidates in an interview, because it is also necessary to be specific about our strengths and weaknesses because it helps us look more convincing and real. In addition, "It's important to be prepared for this question and have a statement ready. Even if you aren't asked this question, you will be aware of your strengths and what you can bring to the position." (Novorésumé ApS, 2021)
It is necessary to clarify that by answering that we do not have weaknesses in any job interview, the opposite of what we want to show will happen because it will make us look like a smug and arrogant person who does not recognize his own defects.
So, the best way to respond is to tell the truth and list all the negative aspects of us and add "But I'm already treating it this way" and always add some solution to our weaknesses. Because we are showing a humbler appearance and that we are willing to improve everything negative about us, it is better to seem to have imperfections than to be "perfect".  "it's essential to choose attributes that you are proactively working on or demonstrate steps you are taking to turn that weakness into a strength" (Novorésumé ApS, 2021).
In my opinion this is a super interesting and important way because we can improve our weak points that must be improved in order to be more likely to be more successful in a job interview and also to know myself and that I need to improve in my personal life and that harms in my work.
Indeed Editorial Team. (2020, March 2). 39 Strengths and Weaknesses to Discuss in a Job Interview. Indeed Career Guide; Indeed.
‌ Novorésumé ApS. (2021). 22+ Strengths and Weaknesses for Job Interviews [2021 Best Answers]. Novorésumé.


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