Online Presence (LinkedIn, Portfolio)

Online presence is all the information that accumulates about us online, with the purpose of creating a public search site so that other people can see our skills, work and academic experience over the years.

It's important to have a good online presence because multiple recruiters can see our achievements, certificates, and extra-articular activities. However, it is important to remove all negative material from us online, because the odds of getting our desired work would be very low, as having these negative variants would be bad for our portfolio.

A very curious fact about the online presence is that no matter in which social network we are showing our portfolio it is important to look for ourselves online as another online person external to ours, delete all the material that you do not want to show or that is negative and also configure our privacy online.

It is also important for companies to be aware of the importance of a good and almost perfect online presence today because it makes us and companies see us and companies more accessible and open with our clients or recruiters, because:

The more presentable your business looks on the web, the more likely customers are to trust you. No matter what type of business you own, an offline or online business, a startup or a large company, your presence and conduct on the web are important to your customers. (Bhavin Turakhia, 2020)

There are certain suggestions that can be taken into consideration to improve our social media practices. "On the other hand, candidates and employees can use social media in a way that throws them in a positive, professional light. Here are a few ways you can impress recruiters through your online profile." (Saige Driver, 2017)

Being in the middle of the pandemic, the credibility we have about our portfolio as LinkedIn is super effective to have a credible resume for all people to grow a company or business in the digital world. LinkedIn has become one of the most important platforms around the world to showcase our achievements online in a more professional way.

To be able to practice and / or improve everything learned and project our portfolio, social networks and / or our LinkedIn page. You can start by mentioning the most important one and that is to make sure you don't have spelling and grammatical errors. "Forty-eight percent of recruiters say poor spelling and grammar would negatively affect their decision about an applicant." (Saige Driver, 2017).

Also, it is not necessary to have a profile picture in our resume on LinkedIn, but if a photo is included it is important to note that it should be a professional photo and not selfies, group photos or show too much skin; because this would give a wrong or unprofessional impression on our part.

Another interesting and essential point in every online presence is to show some participation in volunteering in some company or non-profit organization, because it shows that there is some concern with society. "More than 60 percent of recruiters agree it's a plus when you show volunteer work on social media" (Saige Driver, 2017). The following points to mention are important to take into account before creating our  portfolio  or updating it:

  • ·        It is essential to establish our objectives
  • ·        Create content for our portfolio
  • ·        Constantly update our academic and work achievements
  • ·        Google ourselves or our company and analyze each search page
  • ·        Identify what our skills and keywords are

Taking into account everything researched and learned, in my experience I will start creating my portfolio and my LinkedIn profile from the beginning, because it is important to start doing it correctly and taking all the above because it is essential to double review everything I am going to upload online so as not to do something bad like: check spelling mistakes, what photo am I going to upload, what do I want to upload, What are my important achievements that I should upload online?, What do I need to have an impressive portfolio for my future recruiters?.

Having studied this topic specifically is important to have concern about the online presence, because in my country (Ecuador) it is not yet important to have our entire portfolio online. Concluding, I am going to start doing it from 0 because I want to correctly state what are my objectives to show online and have good written works and exhibit my multimedia designs in the future in an appropriate way.


Bhavin Turakhia. (2020). Everything you need to know about online presence for your business.
Saige Driver. (2017, October 25). Don’t Let These Social Media Mistakes Ruin Your Career. Business News Daily;


  1. Hi Michelle, I really like your way of thinking about this topic, this tools are very useful for the interviewers and also for us, to show our professional experience and our studies.


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